
Welcome to Asbury Kids, where every family and every child is welcomed and affirmed for who they are!

We are thankful for the privilege of partnering with each child’s grown-ups in the faith formation of their children, and we love providing a safe, loving, progressive, and inclusive environment for kids and their grown-ups. 

What to Expect

Every Sunday you will be greeted with a smile and welcomed by our staff and volunteers.  All of our staff and volunteers are Safe Gatherings certified to ensure the safety of your child. 

Our nursery is available from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm for infants and all children who have not yet entered Kindergarten. You will be greeted, checked in, and given a pager in case our nursery attendants need to reach you for any reason. Your child will be engaged in play by our nursery attendants.

When We Gather

We gather together on Sundays at 10 am for Kids’ Hour. During this hour, kids PreK - 5th grade are invited to encounter, interact, and engage with Bible stories through different learning styles and activities at their own level. We will spend multiple weeks focused on our Bible story, and explore that story through multiple rotation options, including art, music, games, cooking, drama, science, videos and more!! 

We also gather for Children’s Church on Sundays during the 11 am service immediately following the children’s time in worship. Four months out of the year, we utilize the Children’s Church time for rehearsal for our Kids’ Sing.

Programs & Events

Children's Church

Kids PreK - 3rd grade are welcome to join us for Children's church after the Children's Moment at the 11 a.m. service in the kids' wing (3rd floor east). We might make a craft, play a game, watch a movie, or learn a new song and dance. No matter the activity, kids will have fun learning and growing together!

Kids Hour

At 10 am on Sundays, kids PreK - 5th grade are invited to the Kids' Wing (3rd floor east) to encounter, interact, and engage with Bible stories through different learning styles and activities at their own level.

We will spend multiple weeks focused on a single Bible story by exploring multiple rotation options: art, music, games, cooking, drama, science, videos, and more!! For more information, please email our Director or Family Ministries.

Kids Sing

Once a quarter, the kids enhance our worship experience by offering both joy and a song or two. The month prior to their participation in worship, we utilize the Children's Church time at the 11 a.m. service to learn the songs and teach about leading worship through song.

Alicia Wolff, an elementary education teacher, leads this group. You may email her at  for more information.

Coming Soon

Intergenerational Gathering

On 5th Sundays, all ages are invited to join together in Hager Hall at 10 am for an intergenerational gathering.

Our next gathering is Sunday, March 30.  Our Leadership Lab youth will be presenting about their pilgrimage to Greece.  Come hear about their adventures following the missionary journey of Paul!  For more information, please email our Director of Family Ministries.

Family Ministries Book Club

Family Ministries Book Club will meet Tuesday, April 8 at 7 pm in the Prayer Room. We are discussing My Name is Brett: Truths from a Trans Christian, by Brett Ray.

All are welcome to attend! If you have questions, please contact our Director of Family Ministries.

Mission Morning

Mission Morning is a youth-led service opportunity that includes projects for all ages, so the whole family can participate. Past examples include serving at a community garden and orchard as well as making toys for and helping out with pets at a local pet rescue.

Coffee, juice, and treats are provided while you work.  For more information, please email our Director of Family Ministries.

Save the Date

Third Grade Bible Presentation

On Sunday, March 30, we will celebrate a milestone in the lives of some of our elementary-aged children with the presentation of third grade Bibles. We celebrate with them as they begin to encounter the Bible stories and God's love in the pages of their very own Bible.

For more information, please contact our Director of Family Ministries.

Parade of Palms

All children are invited to join us at either the 9 am or 11 am worship service to lead our parade of palms on Sunday, April 13.  Children lead a parade around the sanctuary during the opening song while waving their palm branches.

For more information, please contact our Director of Family Ministries.

Easter Egg Hunt

All children up to 5th grade are invited to Bennett Park at Rosewood Dr. and 77th Street on Saturday, April 19 for a community Easter Egg Hunt and to meet the Easter Bunny! The egg hunt starts promptly at 10 am. There will be crafts available while supplies last. 

For more information, please contact our Director of Family Ministries.

Road Trip VBS

Embark on an exciting journey July 27-31 from 6:00-7:30 pm with Road Trip VBS.  Based on Joshua 1:9, "The LORD your God is with you wherever you go," kids will discover God's presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God's goodness together.

Click here to register your 3-year-old - 4th grade student today!  For more information, please contact our Director of Family Ministries.


GodSquad is our annual service week for those in 4th - 6th grade.  We will serve at a variety of local nonprofits on August 4-7 and have a fun day on August 8.  Participants will meet at the church at 9 am each day and head to the service sites, and will return to the church by 1 pm most days.

Click here to register today!  For more information, please contact our Director of Family Ministries.